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No.254. Congratulations to Chayanis Channy Kerdsook on her first work anniversary!

Read: 241
Writer: Ella CHIN
Regday: 26.07.2024

Congratulations to Chayanis Channy Kerdsook on her first work anniversary! Channy has quickly risen to become one of our top-performing consultants, demonstrating exceptional commitment, skills, and a passion for delivering outstanding results. 

We appreciate having you on our team and eagerly anticipate observing your ongoing achievements and influence in the future.

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Writer : Ella CHIN Regday : 26.07.2024, Read : 241

No.254. Congratulations to Chayanis Channy Kerdsook on her first work anniversary!

Congratulations to Chayanis Channy Kerdsook on her first work anniversary! Channy has quickly risen to become one of our top-performing consultants, demonstrating exceptional commitment, skills, and a passion for delivering outstanding results. We appreciate having you on our team and eagerly anticipate observing your ongoing achievements and influence in the future.hashtag#workanniversary hashtag#career hashtag#cesna hashtag#recruitment

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